Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fight corporations by mailing their unsolicited offers back to them!

Want to help Occupy Wall Street protesters in their fight against corporate greed? Here is how you can contribute today!

MAIL THEM BACK! That's right folks. Take those Credit Card offers along with all the other junk and spam mail that corporations flood our homes with and send them right back to them.

Here is what doing this will accomplish:
- make corporations pay for postage (put more of their junk into those envelopes to weight them down and increase postage costs)
- make corporations pay for processing your returned mail offers (this puts more hard working Americans to work)
- creates more work and jobs for hard working Post Office employees (paid for by the corporations)
- re-distributes some of the corporate wealth back to the taxpayers
- lets them know exactly how you feel about their unsolicited SPAM (which is actually illegal, but somehow does not apply to them)
- will one day put a stop to this unnecessary SPAM (and save our trees and the environment)

If we all do it - we can wear them down and bring about some very needed changes. Eventually they will have to stop wasting our trees and destroying our environment on useless unsolicited mail. Join the fight - it is your constitutional right as a taxpayer and an obligation as a voter.

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