Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead... now what?

Osama bin Laden is dead
Osama bin Laden is dead:  3/10/1957 - 5/2/2011
Ok so by now we've all heard the news about Osama bin Laden's death. And now what? Clearly Osama was a scapegoat. Hey no surprise there - we all like to point fingers and blame others. After all he is just one man who would not have been able to accomplish much without his numerous accomplices and allies.

I am just not sure why people were so excited and what exactly were they celebrating? I mean his death doesn't really change anything in the grand schema of things. It does not bring back the victims of 9/11 and it may not stop future terrorist attacks either.

Some experts think that as a result US will finally withdraw troops from the Middle East but I'll believe it when I see it. Others are afraid of possible retaliation and more terrorist attacks against the West.

So I ask again. What exactly have we accomplished by killing this one guy? Can we stop living in fear? Are we safe now? Unfortunately the answer is - probably not. However, it does leave even more unanswered questions.

For example. Since bin Laden was not wealthy and instead leveraged his numerous influential connections to raise the capital needed by al Qaeda then who are the guys that sponsored this operation? Maybe, just maybe, we should be worried about those guys that are still at large!?

And also why does Mr. Bean look so much like bin Laden?

Mr. Bean looks like Osama bin Laden
Mr. Bean's uncanny resemblance to Osama bin Laden

One thing is clear, there are still many unanswered questions out there...

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